Rejection is a sales person's greatest fear. We hate any sort of rejection, and it's hard not to take it personally. So here are some ways of dealing with rejection and conquering your prospecting fears:
1. Learn From Each No Make each failure a learning experience rather than just a regret.
Take a close and honest look at why you failed to get a "yes". What (if anything) could you have done differently? Was your opening statement interesting and compelling? Did you leave anything out or forget something that might have helped? How well did you handle their objections? If there's anything you can change, be ready for it at your next meeting. Understanding what went wrong and learning from failure dampens the sting of rejection.
2. Place The Next Call
When you've understood what went wrong on a call, move on to the next call immediately. Don't dwell on the result. It's especially bad to go for lunch or leave the office for the day on a negative result because it will stay with you and you'll be less inclined to make calls when you're at the office next. I've seen real estate professionals who couldn't remember their best friend's phone number, but could describe in detail every failure they'd had that day. Learn from your mistakes and move on.
3. Smile And Laugh
Some real estate professionals take rejection too seriously. Get over it! If you learn to laugh at your failures and take them lightly, rejection won't feel nearly as bad. One good way of doing this is getting together with other sales reps from your office for lunch. Get everyone to talk about their most memorable failures and see who has the worst. You'll get a good laugh and feel better by realizing the same thing is happening to every other rep out there regularly. This helps put the "no's" in perspective.
4. Recall Your Success
The thrill of victory lasts way longer than the sting of defeat. So remember the positive feelings you had when you succeeded. It'll provide you with motivation to get back on the horse and keep riding.
5. Leave Your Phone Area
Occasionally When setbacks or defeats occur, get out of the office for a while. Get some air and clear your mind. A walk is a great way of thinking things over and getting new ideas.
6. End All Calls Positively
Even if you're rudely rejected by a prospect, don't treat them rudely too. Be courteous and professional at all times. It'll help maintain your positive attitude. Learn more about the "soft" skills real estate professionals need to succeed in my course Building Your Ecommerce Business. This course has been approved by the Registrar, REBBA 2002 to qualify for 9 credits.
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